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Allec Pro animation
Here a short animation to showcase the hull shape of Allec Pro. Pretty neat, right? [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsVrXEWSoCM[/embedyt]
Prototype in 3D Print
As usually we use 3D printed prototypes A LOT when working on a new robot. Here a picture of our new robot, Allec Pro. The black “thing” on top is a detachable tether wire cap.
Allec on dronebelow
Most drones we know are controlled by their owners from a relatively safe surrounding. An underwater drone would be remote controlled by users from the shore or from a ship/vessel on the water. However, Allec, the new submarine drone being developed by Supportive Robotics, Denmark is rather unique. Allec can be remote controlled, but can… Læs mere Allec on dronebelow
Allec featured on New Atlas
New Atlas: “We’ve featured a fair number of underwater drones over the past few years, and they’re pretty much all remotely-controlled by their shore-based users. Denmark’s Supportive Robotics, however, is developing one that’s a bit different. Known as Allec, it can be piloted via remote control, but it can also perform its own autonomous missions.” … Læs mere Allec featured on New Atlas
Working in packs
The underwater world is a big place and sometimes it is more fun or efficient to bring friends. Allec can work together with other Allecs to solve missions. Say you want to quickly find places with wrecks or every fish you can possibly spot. Simply put several Allecs on the task. The… Læs mere Working in packs
AI programming in depth – Part 1
So you are technically inclined and want to know how to really control Allec? The AI programming language is the answer. For those with programming experience a very breif description is that the AI programming language is much inspired by common C, with some robot relavant functions added. The language is really very… Læs mere AI programming in depth – Part 1
Object avoidance
A requirement for a robot sailing on his own is to be able to spot objects in his way and react on them. In a earlier post we talked about Allec’s computer vision. It allows Allec to not just detect objects, but also understand what kind of object he is looking at. So… Læs mere Object avoidance
Discovery Chart
A brilliant feature of Allec is his Discovery chart. It’s a graphical overview of what Allec experienced during his trip under water and will display the route sailed and the objects Allec recognized during the dive on an area map. If you bring Allec along on your underwater diving or snorkeling trip, he will… Læs mere Discovery Chart
Press Release
For Immediate Release (PDF version: Supportive Robotics today launches a true underwater robot for preorder on Kickstarter) Supportive Robotics today launches a true underwater robot for preorder on Kickstarter. Nov 29, 2017, 12:00 ECT, Odense Today Allec the Submarine Robot launches on crowd-funding site Kickstarter. Starting from $650 for the super early bird, Allec is a… Læs mere Press Release